Tražite informaciju iz privrede – na pravom ste mjestu

Paket Tender obuhvata sve objavljene tendere, javne nabavke, dodjele ugovora, javne pozive, odluke o pokretanju, licitacije, stečajeve/likvidacije, planove nabavki i slične informacije sa područja Bosne i Hercegovine.

Cijena paketa Tender na godišnjem nivou je 400 KM + PDV.

Datum objave: 13.04.2017. 09:52

(MK) Izvođenje građevinskih radova na višenamjenskim zgradama

Izvor: Official Journal of the European Union, 13.04.2017.

bivša jugoslavenska Republika Makedonija-Skopje: Građevinski radovi na višenamjenskim zgradama

2017/S 073-140922

Obavijest o nadmetanju


Direktiva 2014/24/EU

Odjeljak I: Javni naručitelj

I.1)Naziv i adrese
Joint-stock company for construction and management of residential and commercial properties significant to the country — Skopje
138 Orce Nikolov Str.
bivša jugoslavenska republika Makedonija
Osoba za kontakt: As in above mentioned contact points
Telefon: +389 22633814
Telefaks: +389 23111195
NUTS kod: MK008

Internetska(-e) adresa(-e):

Glavna adresa:

I.2)Zajednička nabava
Dokumentacija o nabavi dostupna je besplatno i može joj se u potpunosti pristupiti izravno i neograničeno na:
Dodatne informacije dostupne su na prethodno navedenoj adresi
Ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje moraju se podnijeti na prethodno navedenu adresu
I.4)Vrsta javnog naručitelja
Druga vrsta: public enterprises, joint-stock companies and limited liability companies from included activities — housing, construction and transport
I.5)Glavna djelatnost
Druga djelatnost: public enterprises, joint-stock companies and limited liability companies from included activities — housing, construction and transport

Odjeljak II: Predmet

II.1)Opseg nabave


Construction works for construction of the facility 1.12 Regional Centre Aerodrom in Skopje.


II.1.2)Glavna CPV oznaka
II.1.3)Vrsta ugovora
II.1.4)Kratak opis:


The quantities of works are defined as performance of construction, construction — craftsmanship, craftsmanship, installation and other works determined in the bill of quantities for the tender documentation prepared by the designer TDPIK Prima Engineering LLC Skopje.


II.1.5)Procijenjena ukupna vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 149 100 000.00 MKD
II.1.6)Podaci o grupama
Ovaj ugovor podijeljen je na grupe: ne
II.2.2)Dodatne šifre CPV-a
II.2.3)Mjesto izvršenja
NUTS kod: MK
II.2.4)Opis nabave:


The quantities of works are defined as performance of construction, construction — craftsmanship, craftsmanship, installation and other works determined in the bill of quantities for the tender documentation prepared by the designer TDPIK Prima Engineering LLC Skopje.


II.2.5)Kriteriji za dodjelu
Niže navedeni kriteriji
II.2.6)Procijenjena vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 149 100 000.00 MKD
II.2.7)Trajanje ugovora, okvirnog sporazuma ili dinamičkog sustava nabave
Trajanje u mjesecima: 18
Ovaj ugovor podložan je obnavljanju: ne
II.2.10)Podaci o varijantama
Varijante su dopuštene.: ne
II.2.11)Podaci o opcijama
Opcije: ne
II.2.12)Podaci o elektroničkim katalozima
II.2.13)Podaci o fondovima Europske unije
Nabava je povezana s projektom i/ili programom koji se financira iz fondova Europske unije: ne
II.2.14)Dodatni podaci

Odjeljak III: Pravni, gospodarski, financijski i tehnički podaci

III.1)Uvjeti sudjelovanja
III.1.1)Sposobnost obavljanja profesionalne djelatnosti, uključujući zahtjeve koji se odnose na upis u strukovne ili obrtne registre
Popis i kratki opis uvjeta:


— statement of the economic operator that no effective verdict has been issued against the economic operator within the past 5 years for participation in a crime organization, corruption, fraud or money laundering;

— confirmation stating that no bankruptcy procedure has been initiated by a competent body;

— confirmation stating that no liquidation procedure has been initiated by a competent body;

— certificate of paid taxes, benefits and other public duties issued by a competent body in the country where the economic operator is registered;

— confirmation from the Register of penalties for committed criminal offenses of legal entities proving that no secondary penalty — ban on participating in open call procedures, awarding public procurement contracts and contracts on public — private partnership has been pronounced;

— confirmation from the Register of penalties for committed criminal offenses of legal entities proving that no secondary penalty — temporary or permanent ban on performing particular activity has been pronounced;

— confirmation stating that no misdemeanour sanction — ban on the performance of the profession, activity or duty, i.e. temporary ban on the performance of a particular activity has been pronounced with an effective verdict.

To prove its capability to conduct professional activity, the economic operator should submit a document for registered activity — civil engineering — DRD Form as proof of registration as a natural person or legal entity for performing the activity related with the subject of the public procurement contract or proof that it is a member of the relevant professional association in line with the regulations of the country where it is registered and License A or B for contractor, for performance of first or second category construction, in accordance with the Law on Construction.


III.1.2)Ekonomska i financijska sposobnost
Popis i kratki opis kriterija za odabir:


Necessary documents for proving the economic status of the economic operator:

— report on the income statement registered by the competent body, i.e. an audited income statement, or extracts from the report on the income statement in cases where the publishing of the income statement is prescribed by law in the country where the economic operator is registered, for the last 3 years — 2014, 2015 and 2016;

— report on the overall turnover of the enterprise (data from the income statement issued by the competent body, i.e. an audited income statement) for the last 3 years — 2014, 2015 and 2016 and, where appropriate, from the turnover in the area covered by the public procurement contract and maximum for the last 3 financial years for which such information is available depending on the date when the enterprise was established or commenced its operations and depending on the availability of such information.


Najniža(-e) razina(-e) sposobnosti koja se zahtijeva (koje se zahtijevaju):


Minimum total revenue of funds in the last 3 years in the amount of 7 200 000 EUR in the area of civil engineering, i.e. 442 280 000 MKD.


III.1.3)Tehnička i stručna sposobnost
Popis i kratki opis kriterija za odabir:


Necessary documents for proving the technical or professional capability of the economic operator:

— List of works (filled-in form);

— Constructed building facilities of first and/or second category built within the last 5 years with specified category, number of floors, net area constructed, value, time of construction, location of the works and the investor, for submitted contracts;

— Contracts for construction (minimum 3) of facilities from the first and/or second category — building construction, in the last 5 years (the contracts should apply to fully constructed facilities, not for construction of individual phases of a certain facility);

— Certificates (recommendations) for high-quality and timely performed works, of facilities from first and/or second category — building construction, issued by former investors, for the submitted contracts;

— Listing issued by the Employment Agency for employed persons qualified to perform the activity related with the subject of the public procurement contract (civil engineering) at the time of submitting the relevant bid (not older than 15 days);

— License A or B for construction for the professional staff to be engaged for implementation of the subject of procurement;

— Diploma for completed construction studies for the graduated civil engineer;

— Statement regarding the elements of the contract that the economic operator intends to cede to subcontractor/s and data thereon (company, headquarters, unique tax number, etc.) that meet the conditions for performing the works, as prescribed by the Law on Construction;

— Statement certified by Notary Public that if the bidder is awarded the public procurement contract, facility to phase framework, shall be performed by the bidder (without ceding to subcontractors). Statement certified by Notary Public that the selected most favourable bidder is obligated, in addition to electronic form, to submit the bid in hardcopy as well, originals, through the archives of the Contracting Authority together with the submission of the final bid.


Najniža(-e) razina(-e) sposobnosti koja se zahtijeva (koje se zahtijevaju):


Minimum criteria for determining the technical and professional status of the economic operator:

— The Bidder to have minimum 3 implemented contracts for construction of facilities from first and/or second category — building construction, in the past 5 years, with total constructed net are of minimum 13 500 m2.

— The Bidder to have minimum 3 certificates (recommendations) for high-quality and timely performed works, of facilities from first and/or second category — building construction, issued by former investors, for the submitted contracts.

— Minimum professional staff that will be engaged for the implementation of the subject of the procurement: minimum 3 (three) graduated engineers with authorization A or B for construction, specifically: 2 (two) graduated engineers — architects, and 1 (one) graduated civil engineer — construction department.

— Minimum 30 (thirty) employees at the time of submitting the bid, qualified to perform the activity related with the subject of the public procurement contract (civil engineering staff, technicians and construction workers).

— Minimum facility to phase frame is required to be carried out by the bidder (may not be carried out by a subcontractor).


III.1.5)Podaci o rezerviranim ugovorima
III.2)Uvjeti povezani s ugovorom
III.2.2)Uvjeti izvršenja ugovora:
III.2.3)Podaci o osoblju odgovornom za izvršenje ugovora

Odjeljak IV: Postupak

IV.1.1)Vrsta postupka
Otvoreni postupak
IV.1.3)Podaci o okvirnom sporazumu ili dinamičkom sustavu nabave
IV.1.4)Podaci o smanjenju broja rješenja ili ponuda tijekom pregovaranja ili dijaloga
IV.1.6)Podaci o elektroničkoj dražbi
IV.1.8)Podaci o Sporazumu o javnoj nabavi (GPA)
Nabava je obuhvaćena Sporazumom o javnoj nabavi: ne
IV.2)Administrativni podaci
IV.2.1)Prethodna objava povezana s ovim postupkom
IV.2.2)Rok za dostavu ponuda ili zahtjeva za sudjelovanje
Datum: 02/05/2017
Lokalno vrijeme: 10:00
IV.2.3)Procijenjeni datum slanja poziva na dostavu ponuda ili na sudjelovanje odabranim natjecateljima
IV.2.4)Jezici na kojima se mogu dostaviti ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje:
IV.2.6)Minimalni rok valjanosti ponude
IV.2.7)Uvjeti za otvaranje ponuda
Datum: 02/05/2017
Lokalno vrijeme: 10:00


Joint-stock company for construction and management of residential premises and business premises of significance for the Republic — Skopje

Address: ul. Orce Nikolov No 138, Skopje.


Podaci o ovlaštenim osobama i postupku otvaranja:


At the public opening of tenders, may attend any person who is interested.

Only authorized representatives of bidders may participate in the procedure of public opening of bids by giving their comments in the minutes of opening of bids. Authorized representatives of the bidders at the public opening must have an authorization signed by the person in charge.


Odjeljak VI: Dopunski podaci

VI.1)Podaci o obnavljanjima
Ova nabava će se ponavljati.: ne
VI.2)Podaci o elektroničkim tijekovima rada
VI.3)Dodatni podaci:


Announcement number: 6/2017

Statement for independent tender bid: Yes

Tender bid warranty: Yes [3.00 %]

Warranty for high-quality enforcement of the Contract: Yes [10.00 %]

Deadline for asking questions: 26.4.2017 at 15:30

Tender bid validity period: 120 days

Review of technical documentation in the Department of construction and arrangement of construction land, facility No 3 in the Joint-stock company for construction and management of residential premises and business premises of significance for the Republic — Skopje, Lence Stojanovska, architect, facility No 3, contact telephone +389 71 317-150.


VI.4)Postupci pravne zaštite
VI.4.1)Tijelo nadležno za postupak pravne zaštite
Appeals State Commission
Bul. Ilinden 63a
bivša jugoslavenska republika Makedonija
VI.4.2)Tijelo nadležno za postupke mirenja
VI.4.3)Postupak pravne zaštite
VI.4.4)Služba od koje se mogu dobiti podaci o postupku pravne zaštite
VI.5)Datum slanja ove obavijesti: