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Datum objave: 12.06.2017. 10:49

(SL) Prodaja potraživanja Društva MODELIA d.o.o. Posušje

Izvor:, 12.06.2017.

Abanka d.d., Slovenska cesta 58, 1517 Ljubljana, objavljuje



za otkup potraživanja od privrednog društva MODELIA d.o.o. Posušje, Broćanac b.b., 88243 Broćanac-Posušje, Bosna i Hercegovina


Abanka d.d., Slovenska cesta 58, 1517 Ljubljana prodaje potraživanja od društva MODELIA d.o.o. Posušje, Broćanac b.b., 88243 Broćanac-Posušje, Bosna i Hercegovina u iznosu od 6.900.336,68 EUR na dan 05. 06. 2017.

Potraživanja su osigurana.

Rok za prikupljanje ponuda je 03. 07. 2017.

Detaljnije informacije su objavljene na web-stranici I I  Abafon 080 1 360





za odkup terjatve do družbe MODELIA d.o.o. Posušje, Broćanac b.b., 88243 Broćanac-Posušje, Bosna i Hercegovina


Predmet prodaje

Abanka d.d., Slovenska cesta 58, 1517 Ljubljana (v nadaljevanju: prodajalec), prodaja terjatve  do družbe MODELIA d.o.o. Posušje, Broćanac b.b., 88243 Broćanac-Posušje, Bosna i Hercegovina (v nadaljevanju: Modelia d.o.o.), v višini 6.900.336,68 EUR na dan 05.06.2017. Terjatve so zavarovane.


Pogoji prodaje in zbiranja ponudb

Ponudbe se zbirajo brez izklicne cene.

Po podpisu Dogovora o nerazkrivanju informacij bodo lahko interesenti prejeli kopijo dokumentacije (dokazil o zavarovanjih). Ponudniki morajo k ponudbi priložiti izvirno potrdilo o plačilu varščine, izvirnike (overjenih) pooblastil, če bo ponudbo podpisal pooblaščenec, pravne osebe pa tudi izpisek iz sodnega registra, ki ne sme biti starejši od 10 dni.


Izbor ponudbe bo potekal po merilu: najvišja ponujena cena za odkup celotne terjatve.

V primeru, da več ponudnikov ponudi enako ceno, se s ponudniki izvedejo individualna pogajanja po enakem merilu za izbor ponudbe.

Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico, da ne sklene pogodbe z nobenim od ponudnikov

Ponudbo lahko predložijo interesenti, ki bodo pravočasno vplačali varščino. Varščina, ki mora prispeti na poravnalni račun družbe Abanka d.d., št. SI56 0100 0000 0500 021 sklic SI05 100340-669245 najpozneje do 30.06.2017 znaša 100.000,00 EUR. Ponudniki morajo k ponudbi priložiti izvirno potrdilo o plačilu varščine, izvirnike (overjenih) pooblastil, če bo ponudbo podpisal pooblaščenec, pravne osebe pa tudi izpisek iz sodnega registra, ki ne sme biti starejši od 10 dni.

Če ponudnik, katerega ponudba je bila izbrana, s prodajalcem ne sklene pogodbe o prodaji terjatve v roku 7 delovnih dni po prejemu obvestila o izbiri ponudbe, varščina pripada in v celoti zapade v korist prodajalca.

Ponudnikom, katerih ponudba ne bo izbrana, se vplačana varščina brezobrestno vrne naslednji delovni dan po končanem izboru ponudnika, pod pogojem, da so prodajalcu v svoji ponudbi predložili pisno zahtevo za vračilo varščine z navedbo računa v obliki IBAN, na katerega naj se varščina vrne. Če se pisna zahteva za vračilo varščine predloži prodajalcu po roku, določenem za predložitev ponudbe, se neobrestovana varščina ponudniku vrne naslednji delovni dan po predložitvi pisne zahteve za vračilo varščine z navedbo računa, na katerega naj se varščina vrne.

Poravnava celotne kupnine za predmet prodaje: v 5 delovnih dneh od dneva podpisa pogodbe o prodaji. Varščina se všteje v kupnino in ima po sklenitvi pogodbe o prodaji terjatve značaj are. Pravočasna poravnava kupnine je bistvena sestavina pogodbe. Če kupec zamudi s poravnavo preostanka kupnine (celotna kupnina – varščina/ara), se šteje pogodba za razvezano in prodajalec obdrži varščino/aro.

Kupec plača vse davke in stroške v zvezi s prenosom predmeta prodaje, ki se opravi potem, ko kupec plača celotno kupnino.

Ponudnik fizična oseba se mora pri podpisu pogodbe izkazati z osebnim dokumentom, ponudniki pravne osebe pa z izpiskom iz sodnega registra, ki ne sme biti starejši od 10 dni. Če ponudnika zastopa pooblaščenec ali oseba, ki ni zakoniti zastopnik ponudnika oziroma oseba, ki je kot pooblaščena za zastopanje vpisana v sodni register, mora zastopnik oziroma pooblaščenec predložiti pooblastilo za zastopanje ponudnika, ki mora vsebovati tudi pooblastilo za sklenitev pogodbe. Če pooblaščenec ni odvetnik, mora biti pooblastilo notarsko overjeno. Pooblastila morajo biti predložena v ponudbi. Ob sklenitvi pogodbe pa se izbrani ponudnik oziroma njegov pooblaščenec izkaže z osebnim dokumentom.


Izdelava ponudbe:

Ponudbena dokumentacija se sestavi tako, da ponudnik vpiše zahtevane podatke v obrazce, ki so sestavni del tega dokumenta, ter priloži zahtevane priloge.

Ponudba mora biti podana v originalu.

Vsak ponudnik lahko predloži le eno ponudbo. V primeru, da ponudnik predloži več kot eno ponudbo, bodo vse njegove ponudbe izločene.

Ponudba mora biti izdelana in predložena v slovenskem jeziku.

Ponudnik mora ceno v ponudbi podati v evrih (EUR).

Ponudba mora biti veljavna najmanj 30 dni po dnevu odpiranja ponudb oziroma do sklenitve pogodbe.


Predložitev ponudbe:

Ponudniki oddajo svojo ponudbo priporočeno po pošti v zaprti kuverti ali ovoju z oznako: »NE ODPIRAJ – PONUDBA ZA ODKUP TERJATEV (MODELIA d.o.o.) na naslov:

Abanka d.d., Sektor za naložbe v posebni obravnavi, Trdinova 4, 1000 Ljubljana.Na hrbtni strani kuverte ali ovoja mora biti napisan naslov ponudnika. Ponudba šteje za pravočasno, če prispe na navedeni naslov do konca delavnega dne 03.07.2017. V primeru, da ponudba ne bo prispela pravočasno na zgoraj navedeni naslov, bo izločena iz nadaljnjega postopka in neodprta vrnjena ponudniku.


Odpiranje ponudb:

Odpiranje ponudb bo izvedla komisija za odpiranje ponudb, ki jo je imenoval prodajalec. Odpiranje ponudb bo potekalo dne 04.07.2017 v poslovnih prostorih prodajalca. Odpiranje ponudb ne bo javno.


Obvestilo o izbiri:

Ponudniki bodo o izbiri ponudbe obveščeni v roku 7 delovnih dni po dnevu odločitve o izbiri ponudbe.


Pravica do preklica:

Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico zbiranje ponudb kadar koli in iz katerega koli razloga preklicati, kar lahko stori pred odločitvijo o izbiri ponudbe.


Pravo in pristojnosti:

Za ta razpis oziroma objavo, postopke, vezane na ta razpis, zbiranje ponudb in pogodbo o prodaji terjatve se uporablja slovensko pravo. V primerih kakršnih koli sporov je izključno pristojno sodišče v Ljubljani.





for the purchase of the receivables from MODELIA d.o.o. Posušje, Broćanac b.b., 88243 Broćanac-Posušje, Bosna i Hercegovina


Subject of sale

Abanka d.d., Slovenska cesta 58, 1517 Ljubljana (hereinafter: the Seller) is selling receivables from Modelia d.o.o. in the amount of EUR 6.900.336,68 as at 5th June 2017. The claims are collateralised.


Terms of sale and collection of bids

Bids shall be collected without a reserve price.

Bidders shall enclose with their bid an original certificate of payment of a security deposit, and originals of (certified) authorisations. If the bid is submitted by an authorised person, legal entities shall also enclose an extract from the companies register that shall not be more than 10 (ten) days old. The submission of all the aforementioned documents shall be a precondition for the signing a non-disclosure agreement. After that agreement has been concluded, interested parties may obtain a copy of the relevant documentation (evidence of collateral).

The selection of bids shall be carried out according to the following criterion: the highest bid price for the purchase of all claims.

If several bidders offer the same price, negotiations shall be held with each bidder individually using the same criterion as used for selection of the bid.

The Seller shall reserve the right not to conclude an agreement with any bidder.


Bids may be submitted by interested parties who pay the security deposit on time. A security deposit shall be paid to Abanka d.d.’s settlement account no. SI56 0100 0000 0500 021; BIC: ABANSI2X; reference: 05 100340-669245, by no later than 30th June 2017 and shall amount to EUR 100,000.00. Bidders shall enclose with their bid an original certificate of payment of a security deposit, and originals of (certified) authorisations. If the bid is submitted by an authorised person, legal entities shall also enclose an extract from the companies register that shall not be more than 10 (ten) days old.

If the bidder whose bid is selected does not conclude an agreement on the sale of claims with the Seller within 7 (seven) working days of receipt of notification of the selection of its bid, the Seller shall be entitled to retain the full amount of the security deposit.

Bidders whose bids have not been selected shall have their security deposit returned to them, free of interest payments, on the working day following completion of the selection of a bidder, provided that they submitted a written request for the return of the security deposit in their bid, stating the IBAN of the account to which the security deposit is to be returned. If the written request for the return of the security deposit is submitted to the Seller after the deadline specified for the submission of the bid, the security deposit shall be returned to the bidder, free of interest, on the working day following the submission of a written request for the return of the security deposit, stating the account to which the security deposit is to be returned.

Payment of the full amount of consideration for the subject of the sale: within 5 (five) working days following the signing of the agreement on the sale of claims. The security deposit shall be included in the consideration and deemed to be a down payment following the conclusion of the agreement on the sale of claims. Timely settlement of the consideration shall be an essential component of the agreement. If the buyer pays the remainder of the consideration in arrears (total consideration less the security deposit/down payment), the agreement shall be deemed void and the Seller shall retain the security deposit/down payment.

The buyer shall pay all taxes and costs associated with the transfer of the subject of the sale, which shall be carried out after the buyer has paid the entire amount of the consideration.


Bidders who are natural persons shall be identified using a personal document when the relevant agreement is signed, while bidders who are legal entities shall be identified using an extract from the companies register that shall not be more than 10 (ten) days old. If a bidder is represented by an authorised agent, a person who is not the bidder’s statutory representative or a person entered in the companies register as an authorised representative, that representative or authorised agent shall submit authorisation to represent the bidder, which shall also include authorisation to conclude the relevant agreement. If the authorised agent is not an attorney, the authorisation shall be certified by a notary public. Authorisations shall be submitted with the bid. The selected bidder or its authorised agent shall be identified using a personal document when the relevant agreement is concluded.


Drafting of bids

Bid documentation shall be compiled in such a way that the bidder shall provide the required data in the forms that serve as an integral part of the aforementioned documentation, and attach the required appendices.

A bid shall be submitted as an original.

Each bidder may submit only one bid. If a bidder submits more than one bid, all of its bids shall be excluded.

A bid shall be drafted and submitted in the Slovenian language.

The bidder shall state the prices in its bid in euros (EUR).

A bid shall be valid for at least 30 (thirty) days after the opening of bids or until the conclusion of the relevant agreement.


Submission of bids: A bidder shall send its bid by registered post in a sealed envelope or wrapper, marked: “DO NOT OPEN – BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF RECEIVABLES (Modelia d.o.o.)” to the following address: Abanka d.d., Investments Under Special Treatment, Trdinova 4, 1000 Ljubljana.

The bidder’s address shall be printed on the back of the envelope or wrapper. A bid shall be deemed to have been received on time if it arrives at the above-stated address by 3 pm on 3th July 2017. If a bid fails to arrive at the above stated address on time, it shall be excluded from further procedures and returned to the bidder unopened.


Opening of bids

Bids shall be opened by a committee appointed by the Seller for that purpose. Bids shall be opened on 04th July 2017 at the Seller’s business premises. The opening of bids shall not be public.

Notice of selection: Bidders shall be notified of the selection within 7 (seven) working days after the Seller will decide on the selection of bids.


Right to suspension:

The Seller shall reserve the right to suspend the collection of bids at any time and for any reason, and may do so before the decision on the bid selection is reached.


Applicable law and jurisdiction:

Slovenian law shall apply to this invitation to submit bids, i.e. the announcement of and procedures associated with this invitation to submit bids, the collection of bids and the agreement on the sale of claims. In the event of any dispute, the court in Ljubljana shall have exclusive jurisdiction.