Baza podataka Dodjele ugovora sadrži informacije o firmama koje pobjeđuju na javnim nabavkama i pozivima

DODJELE UGOVORA vam odgovaraju na pitanje: “Ko je pobjeđivao na tenderima i po kojim cijenama?”

Cijena paketa Tender na godišnjem nivou je 400 KM + PDV.

Datum objave: 08.07.2020. 10:05

Rezultati poziva za podnošenje prijedloga projekata za donacije za rješavanje specifičnih potreba na lokalnom nivou

Izvor:, 08.07.2020.

The Central European Initiative is glad to announce and extend its congratulations to the following awarded proposals submitted in the framework of the COVID-19 Extraordinary Call for Proposals.


The CEI is confident the selected proposals will effectively contribute to tackling the emergency in the CEI region in the three areas of intervention of the Call.


The CEI wishes to express its deepest appreciation to all applicants for the great interest shown in the Call. Due to the unprecedented number of applications submitted in the history of the organisation, the budget of the Call could not provide a CEI contribution to a larger number of applicants.



The CEI-Executive Secretariat



EX CALL - Awarded CEI Contributions.pdf