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Datum objave: 22.04.2022. 09:41

(objašnjenje br. 3) Nabavka usluga podrške izgradnje kapaciteta vlade za uključivanje OCD u proces donošenja odluka - poslovne usluge: pravo, marketing, savjetovanje, zapošljavanje, tiskanje i sigurnost

Izvor:, 21.04.2022.

Clarification No. 3 to the Additional Information about the Contract Notice to EU for Civil Society (EU4CS)"Capacity building of Governments to include CSOs into the decision-making, Bosnia and Herzegovina"; NEAR/SJJ/2022/EA-RP/0027; EC/BiH/TEN/22/006


Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo, April 2022

CLARIFICATION No. 3 to Additional information about the Contract Notice EU for Civil Society (EU4CS) - Capacity building of Governments to include CSOs into the decision-making, Bosnia and Herzegovina Reference number: NEAR/SJJ/2022/EA-RP/0027; Tender No: EC/BiH/TEN/22/006

Question 1: From the Contracting Authority's reply to the question no. 7 in the Clarification no. 1, we read that the deadline for submission of Requests to Participate will be extended by a Corrigendum to the Contract Notice. This will also affect the eligible implementation period of three years before the submission deadline which is specified in the point 16.3) of the Additional information about the Contract Notice, i.e. in the Corrigendum No. 1. (currently it is 17.4.2019-17.4.2022). The eligible implementation period already includes the period of COVID-19 pandemic when many projects which have been in implementation are significantly affected by the pandemic situation, i.e. slowed down. With a new Corrigendum which will be published in the next days, i.e. with the further shift of the eligibility period towards 2020 (outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in Europe), the influence of COVID-19 pandemic on the projects in the field of CSO support will be even more significant in the sense that the implemented budget in many projects is, as a rule, lower than envisaged, i.e. lower than € 750,000 even when the contracted values are high. With that in mind, we propose to the Contracting Authority to consider the extension of the period of eligibility for references to 5 years before the submission deadline, instead of the current 3 years period. Answer 1: The reference period that will be taken into account remains as the last three years from the submission deadline (i.e. 29/04/2022). Question 2: On question 8 on second set of clarifications it is stated: In section 16.3. Technical capacity, it states: The candidate has provided at least two (2) contracts with a budget of at least 750.000,00 EUR, each in at least three (3) out of six (6) of the following outputs. Does "each in at least 3 out of 6 outputs" mean that each reference separately should cover at least 3 outputs, or can we submit 6 references covering one output each? Answer 8: Yes, each reference contract should cover at least three (3) out of six (6) listed outputs Could you clarify that it means, that for instance, a consortium providing 6 eligible references, two covering output 1, two covering output 2 and two covering output 3 would be considered as NOT COMPLIANT with the minimum requirements? Answer 2: In the interest of equal treatment of candidates, the Contracting Authority cannot give a prior opinion on compliance of a project reference or any other element of a Request to Participate, which will be subject to assessment by the Evaluation Committee appointed for this purpose. However, the technical capacity criterion under section 16.3 of the Additional Information to Contract Notice, as well as answer No 08 to clarification 2, clearly state that each of the two (2) reference contracts with a budget of at least 750.000,00 EUR should cover at least three (3) out of six (6) of the listed outputs. Question 3: With regards to selection criteria and explanation of the required technical capacity that reads 'based on items 5 and 6 of the request to participate form for service contracts and on items 5 and 6 of the tender form for supply contracts', would you please clarify that only service and supply contracts are eligible references for proving our technical capacity, whereas grant contracts are not. Answer 3: The contracting authority did not specify that a specific type of contract only would constitute eligible reference contracts (reference is made to the 'request to participate' form that needs to be filled in for the applicable

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procedure, i.e. service contracts, only as guidance to candidates). Therefore various types of contracts, such as service or grant contracts, would be considered eligible references, should they fulfil all requirements of the criterion under Section 16.3 of the Additional Information to Contract Notice. Please note however that, in the interest of equal treatment of candidates, this does not constitute a prior opinion on eligibility of a specific project reference or any other element of a Request to Participate, which will be subject to assessment by the Evaluation Committee appointed for this purpose.