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Datum objave: 11.08.2020. 14:08

(pojašnjenje) Natječaj za dostavljanje prijedloga za Akcijski program za građansko društvo i medije 2018-2019

Izvor:, 10.08.2020.

Sarajevo, August 2020

Clarification no. 1 to Guidelines for grant applicants


Call for Proposal Title: Civil Society Facility and Media Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019 - Support to existing and newly establishedCSOs networks in various areas

Publication reference: EuropeAid/167126/DD/ACT/BA

CfP reference: EC/BIH/CfP/19/003

Question 1:

Guidelines for grant applicants, under 2.2.5. Full applications, part of text reads: “With the full application the lead applicant also has to submit the completed PADOR form (Annex F) for the lead applicant, each (if any) co-applicants and each (if any) affiliated entities.”

Under 2.2. part of the text reads: “If it is impossible to register online in PADOR for technical reasons, the applicants and/or affiliated entity(ies) must complete the ‘PADOR off-line form attached to these guidelines. This form must be sent together with the application, by the submission deadline (see sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.5).”

The PROSPECT includes the following instruction: “Add the EuropeAid ID (if the organization is registered in PADOR) or PADOR off-line form (if the organization is not yet registered) for your affiliated entities.”

The INSTRUCTIONS FOR DRAFTING THE FULL APPLICATION, under point 3 The lead applicant, the co-applicant and affiliated entities, include the following: “If it is impossible to register online in PADOR, you must complete the 'EuropeAid offline registration form' (Annex F to the guidelines) and send it together with your application.”

Since the lead applicant has an updated PADOR account, and co-applicants have registered in PADOR, is it necessary to submit the Annex F EuropeAid offline registration form?

Answer 1:

No, it is not necessary. Completion and submission of the PADOR off-line form is necessary only if it is impossible to register online in PADOR for technical reasons, as stated in the relevant parts of the Guidelines for applicants you have correctly quoted in your question.


Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Question 2:

In the Concept Note phase Declaration on honor on exclusion criteria and selection criteria were submitted for the lead applicant and for each of two co-applicants.

Is it necessary to prepare and upload these documents again or it is sufficient to prepare and upload Declaration by the lead applicant (full application) and Mandate (for co-applicant(s))?

Answer 2:

Resubmission of the Declaration on honor for the lead applicant and each of the co-applicants is necessary only if any of the situations of exclusion, listed in the Declaration, has changed since the first submission.

Question 3:

The CfP 167126 Guidelines for grant applicant (pg. 20) reads the following: With the full application the lead applicant also has to submit the completed PADOR form (Annex F) for the lead applicant, each (if any) co-applicants and each (if any) affiliated entities.

Are Lead Applicants and Co-Applicants required to submit the completed PADOR form (Annex F), for this Call for Proposals, even if they have profiles of their organisations registered in the PADOR system?

Answer 3:

Please see Answer 1.