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Poziv za agencije koje će asistirati UNICEF-u u proizvodnji video animacija zasnovanih na odobrenim vizuelnim simbolima iz infografike Glas omladine

Izvor: Nezavisne novine, 23.05.2013.



Unite for children


Request for Proposals 006/2013

Institutional Consultancy

Video Animations - Voices of Youlh presentation- readvertisment


In order lo presenl the results of the Voices of Youth" report and UNICEF BiH plans to produce a series of informati- ve maicriaK. induding the video animation, aimed for the wide public distribution. The selected agency is expected to provide support to UNICEF for the production of video animations based on approved visual symbo!s from the Voices of Youth infographics.

Reguired expertise/Criteria for the selection of contractors:

The Implementing Company should have:

• Experience in the areas of video and audio production

• Very good organizational skills

• Good analytical, and vvriting skills of the team members of the Agency

• Strong communication and sensitivity to different cultural context and situations

• Previous experience with the UN or INGOs in BiH will be an asset

Potential bidders should submit bidding documentation consisting of:

1. Cover letter confirming understanding of the ToR and readiness to employ resources to support the achievement of outlined objectives and deliverables

2. Rough description of the idea for the animated video clips, duration of 100 -120 sec

3. Description of previousl) implemented similar activities and list of references

4. CVs of ali involved team members and Consultants within the Company

5. Budget with narrative explanation

A detailed ToR for the requested services can be found on UNICEF BiH website

Proposals and budgets should be submitted in English language. The proposals must be mailed to UNICEF, Zmaja od Bosne bb, and delivered in two separate sealed envelopes (one containing the technical proposalprinted out and sa- ved on CD and the other with the financial proposal only) by 28 May 2013,17.00 hrs with the remark: Proposals for RFP no. 006/2013 for the Institutional Consultancy  Logistical and organizational support for Video Animati­ons - Voices of Youth presentation.

Please note that the technical offer should not have an\ data on budget, i.e. financial aspect ofoffer (this should be ex- clusively stated in the financial offer). Please put your contact info on envelope.

Ali bidders are invited for the public opening of the bids. The public opening will be held on 31 Mav 2013 at 10:00 hrs in UNICEF premises, Zmaja od Bosne bb.

In accordance with UNICEF Rules and Regulations the award and the reasons for making the award are UNICEF's in- ternal decision and information about other bidders or their bids must not be divulged.

The invitation for submission of proposals does not obligate signing of the contract with bidders, nor does it assume the obligation to pay the costs of preparing the bids.

UNICEF accepts no responsibiliiv for undelivered proposals, and will not accept proposals after the closing date and time. For further information please contact Ms. Nela kacmarcik via e-mail