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Izvođenje građevinskih radova na rekonstrukciji lokalnog puta u Rajševu, opština Teslić

Izvor: UNDP, 29.08.2014.
RfP-065-14-Reconstruction-Local road Teslic Rajsevo
Procurement Process : RFP - Request for proposal
Deadline : 11-Sep-14
Posted on : 29-Aug-14
Development Area : OTHER  
Reference Number : 17786
Documents :
RfP-065-14-Reconstruction-Local road Teslic Rajsevo
Annex 2 eligibility criteria Teslic Rajsevo
BoQ Teslic lokalni put Rajsevo
Overview : RFP-065-14 - Civil works on reconstruction of local road in Rajševo, Teslić Municipality Dear Mr./Ms.: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Proposal to this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the above-referenced subject. This RFP includes the following documents: Section 1 – This Letter of Invitation Section 2 – Instructions to Proposers (including Data Sheet) Section 3 – Terms of Reference Section 4 – Proposal Submission Form Section 5 – Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Proposer Section 6 – Financial Proposal Form Section 7 – Contract for Professional Services, including General Terms and Conditions Your offer, comprising of a Technical and Financial Proposal, in separate sealed envelopes, should be submitted in accordance with Section 2. You are kindly requested to submit Proposal to UNDP to the following address: United Nations Development Programme Zmaja od Bosne bb; 71000 Sarajevo Attention: GS unit The Proposal should be received by UNDP no later than Wednesday, 11th September 2014 13:00 AM If you have received this RFP through a direct invitation by UNDP, transferring this invitation to another firm requires your written notification to UNDP of such transfer and the name of the company to whom the invitation was forwarded. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the contact person identified in the attached Data Sheet as the focal point for queries on this RFP. UNDP looks forward to receiving your Proposal and thanks you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities. Yours sincerely, UNDP BIH