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(MK) Nabavka sistema kontrole zračnog prometa i usluga savjetovanja na području vođenja projekta

Izvor: Official Journal of the European Union, 07.08.2014.

bivša jugoslavenska Republika Makedonija-Petrovec: EBRD - Nadogradnja sustava ANS

2014/S 150-268960

Procurement Reference: 7671-IFT-44067

Project name: ANS System Upgrade

Country: Republic of Macedonia

Business sector: Transport

Project ID: 44067

Funding source: EBRD and the Client

Type of contract: Goods, works, and services

Type of notice: Invitation for Tenders

Issue date: 01/08/2014

Closing date: On or before 13:00h local time, 24/10/2014

This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published in Procurement Opportunities, on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development website on February 17, 2014.

M-NAV Skopje (the Employer), has received a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of its ANS System Upgrade.

The Employer now invites sealed tenders from the qualified suppliers for the following contract to be funded from the proceeds of the loan:

The Macedonia Air Navigation Service Provider (M-NAV) plans to procure a new Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. Within the scope of this project is included implementation of the Technical operational room where the ATM system will be resided. The ATM system will serve for a provision of en-route ATS as well as ATS provision within the vertical and horizontal boundaries of Skopje TMA/CTR.

The operational objective of this project is to procure new ATM facilities, which will enable M-NAV to accommodate, with safety and efficiency, the forecast increases in air traffic. These ATM facilities shall:

• utilise modern high definition displays;

• provide high quality radar services;

• provide accurate and timely flight data to the controllers;

• allow automatic data exchange and co-ordination, taking into account the functions and facilities available at domestic units and neighbouring ACCs/APPs;

• provide new automated data recording and replay facilities to aid:

* the analysis of incidents;

* the provision of statistics (e.g. flight data, system status, communication channels, etc.);

* the collection and transmission of data required by the EUROCONTROL Central Route Charges Office (CRCO).

* have a capability to be upgraded to support new procedures and functions.

• Technical room for new ATM system;

All details about the size and principal quantities are given in the Technical specification, Volume III.

The system will be installed in the M-NAV premises, located near Skopje Airport. Estimated duration of the Contract for the ATM system implementation is 40 months (from GANNT). Prior to the ATM system installation, the Technical room (subject of this Contract) shall be effective by 6 months after Contract signature date.

Particular qualifying requirements

(i) successful experience in the timely implementation of project(s) for supply and installation of at least 3 ATM systems of similar complexity serving as a main system ensuring the provision of ATS in en-route environment over the last 5 years. At least one of these systems shall have been implemented in Europe or elsewhere based on European regulatory, operational and legislative norms. Suppliers shall provide evidence of Declaration of Conformity (in accordance with EU Regulation 552/2004) and Declaration of Suitability for Use (in accordance with EU Regulation 482/2008), in relation to one project of a similar nature implemented in the past.

(ii) have the manufacturing and installation capacity required for the implementation of the Contract.

(iii) have professional and technically skilled personnel required for the implementation of the Contract.

(iv) have ISO 9001:2008 or equivalent Quality Management System certificate.

(v) tenderers shall demonstrate that they have sufficient financial means to meet the required cash flow for a period of 40 months, taking into account the tenderer's commitments in other contracts; the submitted financial statements must demonstrate soundness of the tenderer's financial position, showing long term profitability.

(vi) tenderers shall submit a summary of projected assets and liabilities for the next two years to facilitate the assessment of financial position.

(vii) tenderers shall demonstrate their legal entity status.

(viii) tenderers shall provide accurate information on any current or past litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts completed or under execution by them over the last five years. A consistent history of awards against the tenderer or any partner of a joint venture may result in failure of the application.

Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from all countries. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.

Tender documents may be obtained from the address below:

Contact name: Olivera Micevska


Contact name: Gzime Asani


Executing agency: M-NAV Skopje

Address: Plostad Makedonija bb, 5-ti sprat,

(Poranesna zgrada - Metropol)

Tel: +389 2 3251 800

Fax:+389 2 3220 874

upon payment of a non-refundable fee of EUR 150 or equivalent in a convertible currency on the following account:

Account holder: M-NAV AD Skopje

Bank: Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje

Bank No (BLZ):

Account No: 0270100254309

IBAN: MK07300701002543016


Or to:

M-NAV AD Skopje

Ziro smetka: 300000002935935

Deponent: Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje

Danocen broj: 4039009500116

Maticen broj: 6487726

Within the Republic of Macedonia payment shall be in MAK DENARS using the official average exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia on the date of the payment.

Upon request, the documents will be promptly dispatched by courier, but no liability can be accepted for loss or late delivery.

A two stage tender procedure will be adopted and will proceed as follows:

(a) the First Stage tender will consist of a technical proposal only, without any reference to prices, and a list of any deviations to the technical and commercial conditions set forth in the tender documents a tenderer wishes to offer, and a justification thereof, provided always that such deviations do not change the basic objectives of the project. Following evaluation by the Employer of the First Stage tenders, the Employer will invite each tenderer who meets the qualification criteria and who has submitted a technically responsive tender to a clarification and demonstration meeting. The proposals of all such tenderers will be reviewed at the meeting and all required amendments, additions, deletions and other adjustments will be noted and recorded in a Memorandum. The tenderers invited to give a demonstration will also have to demonstrate their compliance to the mandatory (M) requirements. The demonstration will be used to evaluate a technical responsiveness of the tenderer in respect to the mandatory requirements. Only qualified tenderers submitting a technically responsive and acceptable First Stage tender will be invited to submit a Second Stage tender.

(b) the Second Stage tender will consist of an updated technical tender incorporating all changes required by the Employer as recorded in the Memorandum to the clarification meeting or as necessary to reflect any amendments to the tender documents issued subsequent to submission of the First Stage tender; and the commercial tender.

First Stage tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before 13:00h local time, 24 October 2014 at which time they will be opened in the presence of the tenderers' representatives who wish to attend.

All Second Stage tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security of EUR 180.000 or its equivalent in a convertible currency, and must be delivered to the address below on or before the time and date of the submission deadline specified in the Letter of Invitation to submit Second Stage tenders, at which time they will be opened in the presence of the tenderers' representatives who wish to attend.

Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from the following office:

Contact name: Nikolet Tagarinski, Executing agency: M-NAV AD Skopje, Address: Alexander the Great, Skopje Airport, 1043Petrovec, Republic of Macedonia. Tel: +389 23 148 100/200. Fax: +389 23 148 239. E-mail: