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Paket Tender obuhvata sve objavljene tendere, javne nabavke, dodjele ugovora, javne pozive, odluke o pokretanju, licitacije, stečajeve/likvidacije, planove nabavki i slične informacije sa područja Bosne i Hercegovine.

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Datum objave: 28.03.2023. 09:19

(MK) Nabavka robe za bežično praćenje uz krevet

Izvor: Official Journal of the European Union, 28.03.2023.

Sjeverna Makedonija-Skopje: Medicinske naprave, lijekovi i proizvodi za osobnu njegu

2023/S 062-185246

Obavijest o nadmetanju



Pravna osnova:
Direktiva 2014/24/EU



Odjeljak I: Javni naručitelj


I.1)Naziv i adrese
Službeni naziv: PHI University Clinic for Neurosurgery
Mjesto: Skopje
NUTS kod: MK Северна Македонија / Severna Makedonija
Država: Sjeverna Makedonija
Osoba za kontakt: Tanja Pehchevska
Internetska(-e) adresa(-e):
Glavna adresa: www.neurohirurgija
Dokumentacija o nabavi dostupna je besplatno i može joj se u potpunosti pristupiti izravno i neograničeno na:
Dodatne informacije dostupne su na prethodno navedenoj adresi
Ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje moraju se podnijeti elektronički na:
Ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje moraju se podnijeti na prethodno navedenu adresu
Za elektroničku komunikaciju potrebno je upotrebljavati alate i uređaje koji nisu općenito dostupni. Moguć je besplatan, neograničen, potpun i izravan pristup tim alatima i uređajima na:
I.4)Vrsta javnog naručitelja
Tijelo kojime se upravlja na temelju javnog prava
I.5)Glavna djelatnost
Druga djelatnost: Health


Odjeljak II: Predmet


II.1)Opseg nabave


Bed Side monitoring with wireless


Referentni broj: 05046/2023
II.1.2)Glavna CPV oznaka
33000000 Medicinske naprave, lijekovi i proizvodi za osobnu njegu
II.1.3)Vrsta ugovora
II.1.4)Kratak opis:


Bed Side monitoring with wireless according tehnical specification


II.1.5)Procijenjena ukupna vrijednost
II.1.6)Podaci o grupama
Ovaj ugovor podijeljen je na grupe: ne
II.2.2)Dodatne šifre CPV-a
33000000 Medicinske naprave, lijekovi i proizvodi za osobnu njegu
II.2.3)Mjesto izvršenja
NUTS kod: MK Северна Македонија / Severna Makedonija
Glavna lokacija ili mjesto izvršenja:


PHI University Clinic for Neurosurgery , st.Vodnjanska br. 17,Skopje


II.2.4)Opis nabave:


Bed Side monitoring with wireless according tehnical specification


II.2.5)Kriteriji za dodjelu
Niže navedeni kriteriji
II.2.6)Procijenjena vrijednost
II.2.7)Trajanje ugovora, okvirnog sporazuma ili dinamičkog sustava nabave
Trajanje u danima: 365
Ovaj ugovor podložan je obnavljanju: ne
II.2.10)Podaci o varijantama
Varijante su dopuštene.: ne
II.2.11)Podaci o opcijama
Opcije: ne
II.2.13)Podaci o fondovima Europske unije
Nabava je povezana s projektom i/ili programom koji se financira iz fondova Europske unije: ne
II.2.14)Dodatni podaci


Odjeljak III: Pravni, gospodarski, financijski i tehnički podaci


III.1)Uvjeti sudjelovanja
III.1.1)Sposobnost obavljanja profesionalne djelatnosti, uključujući zahtjeve koji se odnose na upis u strukovne ili obrtne registre
Popis i kratki opis uvjeta:


-- Document for registered activity: A Confirmation for registered activity (form DRD) as a proof that it is registerred as a natural or legal person for performing the activity related to the subject of the contract for public procurement or a proof that it belongs to an appropriate professional association in accordance with the regulations of the country where it is registered. In the Republic of North Macedonia, the competent authority for issuing this document is the Central Registry of the Republic of North Macedonia.

-a Decision with which they confirm that the Economic Operator fulfills the conditions in terms of space, equipment and the staff for carrying out the activity of wholesale sale of medical devices and is approved for wholesale of medical supplies, issued by the Ministry of Health of the North Republic Macedonia.

- A statement by the economic operator that in the last five years it has not been rendered a verdict for any

criminal act as stated in Article 88 item 1 from the PPL

- Confirmation that there are no bankruptcy proceedings opened against the operator by a competent authority

- Confirmation that there are no liquidation proceedings opened against the operator by a competent authority

- Confirmation for paid taxes, benefits and other public duties from the competent authority in the country where

the Economic Operator is registered.

- Certificate from the Registry of penalties for criminal acts by legal entities that minor penalty ban on

participation in public tender procedures, award contracts and contracts for public – private partnership has not

been imposed

- Certificate from the Registry of penalties for criminal acts by legal entities that minor penalty has not been

imposed temporary or permanent ban for performing separate activity

- Confirmation that a final judgment for sanction a prohibition of professional activity or duty i.e. temporary

prohibition for performing separate activity has not been imposed.


III.1.3)Tehnička i stručna sposobnost
Popis i kratki opis kriterija za odabir:


- with a description of the technical staff and technical authorities that will participate in the execution of the public procurement, especially to those who are responsible for quality control, and in the case of public procurement of works, those who will be involved in performing the works, regardless of whether they are employed in the economic operator or not:

- in case complex goods or services are procured, or in exceptional cases for special purposes, with inspection of the production facilities, or if necessary, the study facilities and research, as well as quality control measures, which is implemented by the contracting authority or on his behalf a competent authority in the country of registration.

-- samples, description and/or photos of products subject to delivery, whose reliability the economic operator is obliged to confirm if requested by the contracting authority:


Najniža(-e) razina(-e) sposobnosti koja se zahtijeva (koje se zahtijevaju):


- A Statement of provided expert technical personnel in charge of installation and servicing of the equipment and training of the personnel who will work with the equipment and accessories,

- a Certificate for persons issued by the manufacturer of the equipment;

- a Statement that it will provide a guarantee of the equipment from at least 2 (two) years, counted from the day of handover of the procurement item, during which period obliged to perform free service and free replacement of spare parts for the equipment;

- A statement that it will provide servicing of the equipment for at least 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the day of delivery of the subject of procurement

- a Statement confirming that the equipment, subject to purchase, will be new and unused

- Technical books or catalogs (or extracts thereof), issued by the manufacturer of the offered goods, which contain data confirming the required technical characteristics specified in the technical specifications. The technical ones should be clearly and unambiguously marked and numbered with characteristics of the offered goods according to the numbering of the technical specifications. Such prepared (marked and numbered) catalogues, scanned, shall be delivered only through ESJN. (If the commercially available catalog does not contain all the minimum technical specifications required in the technical specifications, they must be confirmed by a statement by the manufacturer of the goods offered. The statement from the manufacturer should be submitted in original and translated into Macedonian language.




Odjeljak IV: Postupak


IV.1.1)Vrsta postupka
Otvoreni postupak
IV.1.3)Podaci o okvirnom sporazumu ili dinamičkom sustavu nabave
IV.1.6)Podaci o elektroničkoj dražbi
Provodit će se elektronička dražba
Dodatni podaci o elektroničkoj dražbi:


All qualified contractors will be informed and invited for e-auction


IV.1.8)Podaci o Sporazumu o javnoj nabavi (GPA)
Nabava je obuhvaćena Sporazumom o javnoj nabavi: ne
IV.2)Administrativni podaci
IV.2.2)Rok za dostavu ponuda ili zahtjeva za sudjelovanje
Datum: 24/04/2023
Lokalno vrijeme: 09:00
IV.2.3)Procijenjeni datum slanja poziva na dostavu ponuda ili na sudjelovanje odabranim natjecateljima
IV.2.4)Jezici na kojima se mogu dostaviti ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje:
IV.2.6)Minimalni rok valjanosti ponude
Trajanje u mjesecima: 4 (od isteka roka za dostavu ponuda)
IV.2.7)Uvjeti za otvaranje ponuda
Datum: 24/04/2023
Lokalno vrijeme: 09:00


PHI University Clinic for Neurosurgery - Skopje


Podaci o ovlaštenim osobama i postupku otvaranja:


Any person must have authorisation letter from his/her economic operator



Odjeljak VI: Dopunski podaci


VI.1)Podaci o obnavljanjima
Ova nabava će se ponavljati.: ne
VI.3)Dodatni podaci:
VI.4)Postupci pravne zaštite
VI.4.1)Tijelo nadležno za postupak pravne zaštite
Službeni naziv: PHI University Clinic for Neurosurgery - Skopje
Mjesto: Skopje
Država: Sjeverna Makedonija
VI.5)Datum slanja ove obavijesti: