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Paket Tender obuhvata sve objavljene tendere, javne nabavke, dodjele ugovora, javne pozive, odluke o pokretanju, licitacije, stečajeve/likvidacije, planove nabavki i slične informacije sa područja Bosne i Hercegovine.

Cijena paketa Tender na godišnjem nivou je 400 KM + PDV.

(HR) Nabavka usluga nadzora nad radovima sanacije na Državnoj cesti D206, dionica br. 22: Valentinovo - Krapina

Izvor: Official Journal of the European Union, 04.06.2013.

HR-Zagreb: EIB - Consulting services for works supervision - Roads rehabilitation programme

2013/S 106-180867





SECTION No 22: Valentinovo-Krapina, 8.5 km

State road D206



1.Publication Reference

Croatian Roads Rehabilitation II, Phase B, SECTION No 22: Valentinovo-Krapina, 8.5 km on the State road D206.


International Tendering, open to nationals of all countries.


Hrvatske ceste d.o.o. (State owned company) Zagreb, Croatia, from its own budget and from proceeds of the loan issued by European Investment Bank (Luxembourg).

4.Legal Basis

Finance Contract No 25417 HR made between Hrvatske ceste d.o.o. and European Investment Bank, dated 28 and 30 December 2009.

5.Contracting Authority – the Employer

Hrvatske ceste d.o.o., Procurement Department, Address: Vončinina 3, 10000Zagreb, Hrvatska, Tel.: ++385--4722-510; Fax: ++385–1–4722-411.


6.Contract Description

Supervision of the works of rehabilitation to be carried out on the State road D206, SECTION No 22: Valentinovo-Krapina, 8.5 km. Rehabilitation works include pavement strengthening of the existing road, widening of carriageway and repair of shoulders and sidewalks, repair and improvement of drainage system, construction of bus stops, road safety improvements and new traffic signs and markings

7.Completion Period

The supervision of the Works will be carried out in the period of 8 months + five years of defect liability period.



This invitation to Tender is open on equal terms to any firms/legal persons participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of Tenderers.

9.Grounds for Exclusion

Firms of a country may be excluded if, in accordance with a decision of the United Nation Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the Employer’s country prohibits any participation of firms from that country in Works in other countries, or any payments to persons or entities in that country.

10.Number of Tenders

Each Tenderer shall submit only one Tender either by himself, or as a partner in a consortium of firms. Tenders for partial performance of services will not be considered. Alternatives are not allowed.

11.Tender Security

The Tenderes shall furnish a Tender Security issued by a commercial bank acceptable to the Employer, in the amount of HRK 14.000,00. The security shall be a bank guarantee payable by the bank on first demand without objection.The security will be returned to unsuccessful Tenderers upon completion of Tender procedure and to the successful Tenderer upon signature of the Contract by both Parties (the Employer and the Consultant). The Security may be forfeited if the Tenderer fails to comply with the requirements of Tender Documents.


12.How to obtain Tender Documents

Tender Documents are available from the Employer, at the above mentioned address, second floor, room 208 (Ivan Maletić, tel: ++385–1–4722–486; fax: ++385–1–4722–411, e-mail:

The Tender Documents may be obtained upon a bank transfer of a non-refundable fee of EUR100, including VAT, to the bank account of Hrvatske ceste d.o.o. open at Privredna banka Zagreb (Reference: 05-8006-9-216)
IBAN HR67 2340009 1100231902
- Euro account: 702100-978-836697
- HRK account: 2340009-1100231902
Each Tenderer or a partner in a Consortium has to buy the Tender Document.
Upon a written request accompanied by evidence of payment, the Employer will send the Tender Documents by mail, but will in no way be responsible for possible delays in shipment or loss of these documents. Tenderers who require delivery of Tender Documents by courier will bear the cost of such a delivery.

13.Tender Submission Requirements

Tenderers shall submit their Tenders in English and Croatian language, using the standard forms included in Tender Documents, strictly observing the formats given.

14.Deadline for Submission of Tenders

42 calendar days after the date of publication of this Procurement Notice in the Official Journal of the European Union, i.e. not later than 15 July 2013 at 10.00 a.m. (local time). Any Tender received after this deadline will not be considered for evaluation.

15.Public Tender Opening Session

The time and venue of the Tender opening session: 15 July 2013 at 11.00 a.m. (local time), in Vončinina 3, Zagreb, room 400. Authorised representatives of Tenderers may attend the session.

16.Tender Validity

Tenders shall remain valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for submission of Tenders.


17.Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation of legal, economic, financial and technical responsiveness of Tenders will be carried out in accordance with the following main considerations:
• Performance in the last three years (contracts completed) as leading partner (main Consultant), or sole Contractor-Consultant on projects similar by type, scope and complexity to the Contract for services procured under this Tendering (supervision of construction/rehabilitation Works on State roads or motorways);
• Average annual turnover (defined as contracts completed or underway) in the last three years, in the value of two times the proposed value of services;
• Qualifications and experience of key staff:
Special attention of foreign companies is drawn to the conditions requested for key staff, in accordance with the Croatian laws in force; see:
• Section 2 . ITT Clause 2: Definitions;
• Section 2. ITT Clause 10: Document comprising the Tender, Part 2 Methodological approach and staffing, ii) Key personnel; and
• Section 3. Terms of Reference, Clause 6: Required inputs;
• Equipment.

18.Contract Award Criteria

Combined criteria of quality competence and responsiveness of the Tenderer’s proposal and that of his proposed staff, and the offered rate and price for the Services.

19.Performance Security and Contract Award

For contract signing, the successful Tenderer will be required to furnish the Performance Security in the amount of 10% of Contract price expressed in HRK or in EUR. The performance security shall be an irrevocable bank guarantee payable by the bank on first demand without any objection. The successful tenderer shall sign the contract and furnish performance security within 28 days after receipt of the Contract signed by the Employer. Failure to furnish signed contract and a performance security within the deadline shall constitute a breach of contract, end the Employer may resort to awarding the contract to the next ranked tenderer and to forfeiting the tender security.