Tražite informaciju iz privrede – na pravom ste mjestu

Paket Tender obuhvata sve objavljene tendere, javne nabavke, dodjele ugovora, javne pozive, odluke o pokretanju, licitacije, stečajeve/likvidacije, planove nabavki i slične informacije sa područja Bosne i Hercegovine.

Cijena paketa Tender na godišnjem nivou je 400 KM + PDV.

Datum objave: 22.12.2020. 10:11

(MK) Nabavka usluga zapošljavanja

Izvor: Official Journal of the European Union, 22.12.2020.

Sjeverna Makedonija-Skopje: Usluge zapošljavanja

2020/S 249-622599

Obavijest o nadmetanju


Pravna osnova:
Direktiva 2014/24/EU

Odjeljak I: Javni naručitelj

I.1)Naziv i adrese
Službeni naziv: JDG ‘March 8’ in the municipality of Kisela Voda in the City of Skopje
Poštanska adresa: St Hristo Tatarcev No 45
Mjesto: Skopje
NUTS kod: MK008 Скопски (Skopski)
Poštanski broj: 1000
Država: Sjeverna Makedonija
Osoba za kontakt: Angjica Ivanova
Telefon: +389 70351327
Internetska(-e) adresa(-e):
Glavna adresa:
Pristup dokumentaciji o nabavi je ograničen. Više informacija dostupno je na:
Dodatne informacije dostupne su na prethodno navedenoj adresi
Ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje moraju se podnijeti na prethodno navedenu adresu
I.4)Vrsta javnog naručitelja
Druga vrsta: Kindergarten
I.5)Glavna djelatnost
Druga djelatnost: Child care and education

Odjeljak II: Predmet

II.1)Opseg nabave


Procurement of Services from the Agency for Temporary Employment


Referentni broj: 19123/2020
II.1.2)Glavna CPV oznaka
79600000 Usluge zapošljavanja
II.1.3)Vrsta ugovora
II.1.4)Kratak opis:


Detailed in tender documentation.


II.1.5)Procijenjena ukupna vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 145 219.51 EUR
II.1.6)Podaci o grupama
Ovaj ugovor podijeljen je na grupe: ne
II.2.2)Dodatne šifre CPV-a
79620000 Usluge pribavljanja osoblja uključujući osoblje za rad na određeno vrijeme
II.2.3)Mjesto izvršenja
NUTS kod: MK008 Скопски (Skopski)
II.2.4)Opis nabave:


JDG ‘8 March’ — in the municipality of Kisela Voda in the City of Skopje needs procurement of services from the Agency for Temporary Employment for temporary employees to work in the kindergarten due to increased workload, necessary to serve the institution and its uninterrupted functioning.


II.2.5)Kriteriji za dodjelu
Niže navedeni kriteriji
II.2.6)Procijenjena vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 145 219.51 EUR
II.2.7)Trajanje ugovora, okvirnog sporazuma ili dinamičkog sustava nabave
Trajanje u mjesecima: 12
Ovaj ugovor podložan je obnavljanju: ne
II.2.10)Podaci o varijantama
Varijante su dopuštene.: ne
II.2.11)Podaci o opcijama
Opcije: ne
II.2.13)Podaci o fondovima Europske unije
Nabava je povezana s projektom i/ili programom koji se financira iz fondova Europske unije: ne
II.2.14)Dodatni podaci


Detailed in tender documentation.


Odjeljak III: Pravni, gospodarski, financijski i tehnički podaci

III.1)Uvjeti sudjelovanja
III.1.1)Sposobnost obavljanja profesionalne djelatnosti, uključujući zahtjeve koji se odnose na upis u strukovne ili obrtne registre
Popis i kratki opis uvjeta:


The contracting authority shall exclude from the procedure for awarding a public contract every economic operator:

— that in the last 5 years has been rendered a final decision for participation in a criminal organisation,corruption, fraud or money laundering;

— who has been given a supporting ban on participation in procedures for public announcement, the award of public supply contracts and public private partnership;

— who has a minor penalty imposed temporary or permanent prohibition of certain activities;

— who is in the process of bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings;

— who has unpaid taxes and other taxes;

— who has been given sanction — prohibition of professional activity or duty, i.e. temporary prohibition for performing certain activities; and

— who gives false information or fails to submit the data requested by the contracting authority.

In order to prove his personal situation, the economic operator shall submit the following documents:

— statement of the economic operator that in the last 5 years he was pronounced verdict for participation in a criminal organisation, corruption, fraud or money laundering;

— confirmation that there is no bankruptcy proceedings by the competent authority;

— confirmation that there is no procedure for liquidation by a competent authority;

— certificate for paid taxes and other public duties by the competent authority in the country where the economic operator is established;

— a certificate from the Register of penalties for crimes committed by legal entities that has been imposed minor penalty ban on participation in procedures for public announcement, the award of public supply contracts and public-private partnership;

— a certificate from the register of penalties for crimes committed by legal entities that has been imposed minor penalty temporary or permanent prohibition of certain activities; and

— confirmation that the final sentence has been imposed sanction — prohibition of professional activity or duty, and temporary prohibition for performing certain activities;

— the economic operator must submit a declaration stating that under full material and criminal responsibility, states that the bid is submitted independently, without agreement with other economic operators against the regulations for protection of competition, and that is not participating in the same procedure with other economic operators that is capital, or equity related;

— to prove the ability to perform a professional activity, the economic operator should submit a document for registered activity as evidence that it is registered as a legal entity for performing the activity related to the subject of the public contract or proof that they belong to a professional association accordance with the regulations of the country where it is registered or the tenderer must have a license for performing the activity of providing as follows:

— DRA-document for registered activity;

— License A, B, C or D for performing temporary employment in accordance with the Law on Private Employment Agencies (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 113/18 and Official Gazette of the Republic of Northern Macedonia No 18/20).


III.1.2)Ekonomska i financijska sposobnost
Popis i kratki opis kriterija za odabir:




Najniža(-e) razina(-e) sposobnosti koja se zahtijeva (koje se zahtijevaju):




III.1.3)Tehnička i stručna sposobnost
Popis i kratki opis kriterija za odabir:




Najniža(-e) razina(-e) sposobnosti koja se zahtijeva (koje se zahtijevaju):




Odjeljak IV: Postupak

IV.1.1)Vrsta postupka
Otvoreni postupak
IV.1.3)Podaci o okvirnom sporazumu ili dinamičkom sustavu nabave
IV.1.6)Podaci o elektroničkoj dražbi
Provodit će se elektronička dražba
Dodatni podaci o elektroničkoj dražbi:


Detailed in the tender documentation.


IV.1.8)Podaci o Sporazumu o javnoj nabavi (GPA)
Nabava je obuhvaćena Sporazumom o javnoj nabavi: ne
IV.2)Administrativni podaci
IV.2.2)Rok za dostavu ponuda ili zahtjeva za sudjelovanje
Datum: 15/01/2021
Lokalno vrijeme: 10:00
IV.2.3)Procijenjeni datum slanja poziva na dostavu ponuda ili na sudjelovanje odabranim natjecateljima
IV.2.4)Jezici na kojima se mogu dostaviti ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje:
IV.2.6)Minimalni rok valjanosti ponude
Trajanje u mjesecima: 12 (od isteka roka za dostavu ponuda)
IV.2.7)Uvjeti za otvaranje ponuda
Datum: 15/01/2021
Lokalno vrijeme: 10:00


The public opening is available through the ESJN, through the following web address: or at the following location in the facility Rasadnik on Hristo Tatarchev Street No 45, Skopje.


Podaci o ovlaštenim osobama i postupku otvaranja:


Any person authorised by the economic operator.


Odjeljak VI: Dopunski podaci

VI.1)Podaci o obnavljanjima
Ova nabava će se ponavljati.: ne
VI.2)Podaci o elektroničkim tijekovima rada
Prihvaćaju se elektronički računi
VI.3)Dodatni podaci:; Detailed in tender documentation


VI.4)Postupci pravne zaštite
VI.4.1)Tijelo nadležno za postupak pravne zaštite
Službeni naziv: State appeals commission
Mjesto: Skopje
Poštanski broj: 1000
Država: Sjeverna Makedonija
Telefon: +389 23251251
Telefaks: +389 23251250
VI.4.3)Postupak pravne zaštite
Detaljnji podaci o roku(-ovima) za postupke pravne zaštite:


Any economic operator that has a legal interest to win the public procurement contract and that suffered or could have suffered damages related to potential breach of the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement,may seek legal protection against the decisions, actions, or failure to undertake actions on the part of the contracting authority in a procedure for awarding a public procurement contract.

The complaint shall be submitted within eight days from the day of:

— publication of the advertisement of the public procurement contract award with respect to the data, actions or failure to undertake actions related to the advertisement;

— opening of the bids, with respect to actions or failure to undertake actions with reference to the tender documentation, or the bid opening procedure;

— the deadline for a decision to elect or annul the proceedings under Article 162 paragraph 2 of this law regarding the admission of a decision to elect or annul the proceedings in the relevant period;

— reception of the decision about an individual right related to the procedure for awarding a procurement contract with regard to the determination of the capability of the application or the evaluation of the bids; or

— findings about irregularities in the course of the procedure for awarding a public procurement contract, within 1-year from the day when the procedure was concluded.


VI.5)Datum slanja ove obavijesti: