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Paket Tender obuhvata sve objavljene tendere, javne nabavke, dodjele ugovora, javne pozive, odluke o pokretanju, licitacije, stečajeve/likvidacije, planove nabavki i slične informacije sa područja Bosne i Hercegovine.

Cijena paketa Tender na godišnjem nivou je 400 KM + PDV.

Datum objave: 28.12.2020. 10:06

Nabavka usluga institucionalnog savjetovanja - komunikacijska podrška 2021-2022, podrška za strateške komunikacije, multimediju i partnerstva

Izvor: Dnevni list, 28.12.2020.


Request for Proposals 005/2020

Institutional Consultancy - Communication Support 2021- 2022

Support for strategic communications, multimedia and partnerships



UNICEF Country Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina is inviting companies and institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH local companies or institutions, as registered under BiH applicable law to perform required type of job or similar) as per predefined Terms of Reference for Communication Support 2021- 2022 and support for strategic communications, multimedia and partnerships.


Potential contractors should submit bidding documentation consisting of technical (A) & financial (B) proposal:


A) Technical proposal (non-editable secure PDF format or an image format such as JPG):

1. Cover letter (1/2 page A4) confirming understanding of the Terms of Reference and readiness to employ resources to support the achievement of outlined objectives and deliverables:

2. Detailed description of the planned approach to organize and manage requested services (i.e. description of methodology, up to 5 pages maximum);

3. Description of previously implemented similar activities and list of references (up to 2 pages maximum with relevant links and contact details tor reference checks), list of partners and subcontractors should be enclosed;

4. CVs of team members to be directly responsible for this asstgnment (200 words with relevant links);

5. Copies of registration documents as required by applicable law, accompanied by VAT (PDV) registration (up to 5 pages maximum);

6. Supplier Profile form and VMD form


B) Financial proposal (non-editable secure PDF format or an image format such as JPG):

LRPS-2020- 9164227 form is to be filled out and submitted together with a detailed budget proposal in BAM without VAT.

Detailed Terms of Reference and detailed instructions about how to submit your proposal for the requested service is advertised on UNICEF website

Proposals and budgets should be submitted in the English language. The proposals must be sent via secure email address: by 18 January 2021. at 12:00 hre with the remark. Proposal for RFP no. 005/2020 for the Institutional Consultancy - Communication Support 2021- 2022 and support for strategic communications, multimedia and partnerships.



Kindly submit documents in non-editabie secure PDF format or an image format such as JPG - other format documents will not be accepted and send two separate emails, one containing technical proposal and another one with financial proposal.


Subject lines should read as following.

1.            Technical Proposal for RFP no, 005/2020 for the Institutional Consultancy - Communication Support 2021- 2022 and support for strategic communications, multimedia and partnerships- LRPS-2020- 9164227

2.            Financial Proposal for RFP no. 005/2020 for the Institutional Consultancy - Communication Support 2Q21- 2022 and support for strategic communications, multimedia and partnerships- LRPS-2020- 9164227

Should you have any question, send it to e-mail . Answers will not be provided individually, All questions and related answers wiil be sent to all potential bidders via mail. Source of the questton/s (name of company who posed it/foem) wilt not be indicated.

The opening of electronic submissions will be held on 20 January 2021. All bidders will be informed by e-mail of the exact timing of the public opening of electronic technical proposal and will be invited to attend the public opening through the link that will be provided in e-mail notification.

The invitation for submission of proposals does not obligate signing of the contract with bidders, nor does it assume the obligation to pay the costs of preparing the bids. UNICEF accepts no responsibility for undelivered bids and will not accept proposals after the closing date and time.

In accordance with UNICEF Rules and Regulations the award and the reasons for making the award are UNiCEF's internal decision and information about other bidders or their bids must not be divulged.