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Datum objave: 24.06.2022. 11:08

(HR) (izmjena) Nabavka usluga uspostavljanja JPP koje se realizuje kao koncesija za sakupljanje, odvoz i odlaganje komunalnog otpada na teritoriji opštine Tearce

Izvor: Official Journal of the European Union, 24.06.2022.

Sjeverna Makedonija-Tetovo: Usluge upravljanja odlagalištem otpada

2022/S 120-342638


Obavijest o izmjenama ili dodatnim informacijama


(Dodatak Službenom listu Europske unije, 2022/S 118-334029)

Pravna osnova:

Direktiva 2014/23/EU

Odjeljak I: Javni naručitelj/naručitelj

I.1)Naziv i adrese

Službeni naziv: Municipality of Tearce
Nacionalni registracijski broj: 6001947
Poštanska adresa: str. 102, nr.139, Tearce
Mjesto: Tetovo
NUTS kod: MK Северна Македонија / Severna Makedonija
Poštanski broj: 1224, Tearce
Država: Sjeverna Makedonija
Osoba za kontakt: Valdeta Memeti
Telefon: +389 44381336
Telefaks: +389 44383443
Internetska(-e) adresa(-e): 
Glavna adresa:

Odjeljak II: Predmet

II.1)Opseg nabave


Assigment of a contract for estabilishing a PPP which is implemented as a consession for collecting, transportin and dispossal of communal waste on the territory of the Municipality of Tearce

Referentni broj: 0001/2022

II.1.2)Glavna CPV oznaka

90533000 Usluge upravljanja odlagalištem otpada - FC01

II.1.3)Vrsta ugovora


II.1.4)Kratak opis:

According to the legal regulations, i.e., the Law on Local Self-Government, the Law on Public Cleanliness and the Law on Waste Management, the maintenance of public cleanliness and waste management is a responsibility of the municipality and is under the direct competence of the Municipality of Tearce.The Municipality of Tearce does not have the financial, technical and human resources to establish a public utility company. According to the report for preliminary analysis of the basic elements for establishing PPP for collection, transport and disposal of municipal solid waste in the Municipality of Tearce, prepared by the Municipality of Tearce, the municipality and PE Hygiene do not have the financial capacity to perform the legal competence, i.e., municipal waste management. Due to the inability to perform their obligation, i.e., to offer their citizens a public service: collection, transport, and disposal of municipal waste, they decide to search for a private partner who will perf

Odjeljak VI: Dopunski podaci

VI.5)Datum slanja ove obavijesti:


VI.6)Upućivanje na izvornu obavijest

Broj objave u Dodatku SL-u: 2022/S 118-334029

Odjeljak VII: Izmjene

VII.1)Informacije koje se izmjenjuju ili dodaju

VII.1.2)Tekst koji je potrebno ispraviti u izvornoj obavijesti

Broj odjeljka: II.1.4

Mjesto na kojem se nalazi tekst koji je potrebno izmijeniti: II.1.4) Description of the procurement 


According to the legal regulations, i.e., the Law on Local Self-Government, the Law on Public Cleanliness and the Law on Waste Management, the maintenance of public cleanliness and waste management is a responsibility of the municipality and is under the direct competence of the Municipality of Tearce.The Municipality of Tearce does not have the financial, technical and human resources to establish a public utility company. According to the report for preliminary analysis of the basic elements for establishing PPP for collection, transport and disposal of municipal solid waste in the Municipality of Tearce, prepared by the Municipality of Tearce, the municipality and PE Hygiene do not have the financial capacity to perform the legal competence, i.e., municipal waste management. Due to the inability to perform their obligation, i.e., to offer their citizens a public service: collection, transport, and disposal of municipal waste, they decide to search for a private partner who will perf


According to the legal regulations, i.e., the Law on Local Self-Government, the Law on Public Cleanliness and the Law on Waste Management, the maintenance of public cleanliness and waste management is a responsibility of the municipality and is under the direct competence of the Municipality of Tearce.The Municipality of Tearce does not have the financial, technical and human resources to establish a public utility company. According to the report for preliminary analysis of the basic elements for establishing PPP for collection, transport and disposal of municipal solid waste in the Municipality of Tearce, prepared by the Municipality of Tearce, the municipality and PE Hygiene do not have the financial capacity to perform the legal competence, i.e., municipal waste management. Due to the inability to perform their obligation, i.e., to offer their citizens a public service: collection, transport, and disposal of municipal waste, they decide to search for a private partner who will perform the public service on their behalf.

VII.2)Ostali dodatni podaci: