Tražite informaciju iz privrede – na pravom ste mjestu

Paket Tender obuhvata sve objavljene tendere, javne nabavke, dodjele ugovora, javne pozive, odluke o pokretanju, licitacije, stečajeve/likvidacije, planove nabavki i slične informacije sa područja Bosne i Hercegovine.

Cijena paketa Tender na godišnjem nivou je 400 KM + PDV.

Nabavka usluga nadzora nad radovima sanacije bolničkog odjela za tuberkulozu u Travniku

Izvor: UNDP, 22.05.2013.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina is Principal Recipient of the grant “Strengthening of DOTS Strategy and Improving the National Tuberculosis Plan, including MDR-TB and Infection Control in Bosnia and Herzegovina” funded by Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).

All legal entities that are registered and interested in the provision of the above mentioned services are invited to obtain RFP documents at UNDP, Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo or upon request through E-mail to:, every working day from 08:30 to 17:00 hours, from 21st May 2013. Note: request for BIH/RFP/021/13 documents.

All Proposals must be submitted by 12:00 hours, 05th June 2013 on the above mentioned address. All questions concerning this ITB should be sent in writing (Ref. RFP/021/13) to: Registry / UNDP BiH E-mail: Fax: +38733 552330