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Datum objave: 01.11.2017. 08:36

Poziv za dostavljanje prijedloga projekata podrške za evropske projekte saradnje u 2018. godini u sklopu potprograma Kultura kreativne Evrope

Izvor:, 31.10.2017.

Support for European Cooperation Projects – 2018 Call for Proposals


The European Commission has issued a call for proposals for the Support for European cooperation projects 2018, within the Creative Europe Culture Sub-programme.


The main objectives of the support for European cooperation projects are:


- To strengthen the capacity of the European cultural and creative sectors to operate transnationally and internationally and to promote the transnational circulation of cultural and creative works.

- To contribute to audience development by engaging in new and innovative ways with audiences and improve access to cultural and creative works in the Union and beyond with a particular focus on children, young people, people with disabilities and underrepresented groups.

- To contribute to innovation and creativity in the field of culture, for instance through testing of new business models and promoting innovative spillovers on other sectors.


Within the above objectives, the priorities of the support for European cooperation projects include promoting transnational mobility of artists and professionals, strengthening audience development as a means of improving access to European cultural and creative works and cultural heritage, as well as enhancing intercultural dialogue.

The total budget for this Call for Proposals is estimated at EUR 40 million. Eligible projects must have a maximum duration of 48 months (eligibility period).


The full text of the guidelines together with the application forms, can be found at the following Internet address:


For any further information, please contact your Creative Europe Desk:


Deadline for applications: 18 January 2018 at 12:00 (noon) - EACEA 32/2017