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Datum objave: 11.01.2018. 12:05

Pozivi za dostavljanje zahtjeva za finansiranje iz EU za realizaciju energetskih projekata

Izvor:, 05.12.2017.

Creation date: December 5, 2017 


Starting from today, you can apply for EU funding to carry out a project focusing on smart cities, smart energy systems or renewable fuels. The calls are open under the 2018-2020 Horizon Work Programme, and have a total budget of €138.3 million. The deadline for submissions is 5 April 2018.


The topics open for applications are:

Call identifier Scope Total budget

Budget per project*            

LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020 Developing and testing solutions for smart cities and communities €43 m €14.5 - €20 m
LC-SC3-ES-3-2018-2020 Developing and demonstrating integrated local energy systems (energy islands) €26.3 m €5 - €6 m
LC-SC3-ES-4-2018-2019-2020 Decarbonising energy systems of geographical islands €19 m €7 - €10 m
LC-SC3-ES-5-2018-2020 TSO – DSO – Consumer: large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services €30 m €15 - €20 m
LC-SC3-RES-22-2018 Demonstrating cost-effective advanced biofuel pathways in retrofitted industrial installations €20 m €8 - €10 m

* estimation


What are the requirements for participation?

The requirements for submitting a project proposal are detailed in the relevant documents published on each topic's page. Please also consult the general annexes of the H2020 Work Programme for 2018-2020 for general rules on funding, such as the list of countries that can apply for funding, standard eligibility criteria, submission rules, types of projects and their funding rates and other useful information.


How to apply?

Applicants have to submit their proposal electronically, following the link from the topic's page on the Participant Portal. Please follow the guidelines on proposal submission and evaluation. For all questions related to Horizon 2020, please contact the Research Enquiry Service.


How will the grants be awarded?

The submitted proposals are evaluated by independent experts drawn from the European Commission's database of external evaluators. Applicants will receive the evaluation results at the latest five months after the submission deadline. Grant agreements will be signed with the successful applicants within eight months after the submission deadline.


Become an expert

External evaluators of project proposals are drawn from the European Commission's database of independent experts. The Commission is looking to expand the database through a call for experts covering a very broad range of fields. If you fit the expert profile rather than that of an applicant, and would like to be considered as a proposal evaluator, sign up in the Participant Portal.