Hotel Europe Group

IUS Life invites you to attend the TEF Masterclass

13.10.2023. 09:09 / Izvor:

In this masterclass, participants will have a chance to get a better insight into industry needs regarding the students’ education in tourism.

IUS Life invites you to attend the TEF Masterclass

"The voice of industry: from raw students to shaped tourism professionals: ideas, examples and tools for innovative learning"

Date: 18/10/2023  

Time: 14:30

Lecturer: Belmina Bajrovic, Executive Director

Institution: Hotel Europe Group, Sarajevo, BH

In this masterclass, participants will have a chance to get a better insight into industry needs regarding the students’ education in tourism. The aim is to provide a better understanding of the characteristics of tourism students i.e., future workers the industry needs, and how to shape them into tourism professionals. The masterclass will be based on personal experience sharing and will aim to provide innovative tools and examples, both traditional and digital, for better education and learning.


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